
This site is dedicated to helping Moms like you understand why you think the way you think, feel the way you feel, and react to motherhood in the ways that you do.

The Gallup StrengthsFinder(R) Profile has traditionally been used to guide professionals on ways to capitalize on their strengths and maximize the hard-wiring they can't change about themselves.

As a Mom, StrengthsFinder(R) can be a powerful tool to answer questions about why you struggle with everything from playdates, to arranging your day, to managing your work-life balance.

If you can't figure out if you should or shouldn't work outside the home to feel fulfilled, StrengthsFinder(R) could provide you with the insight and self-reflection you need.

By leveraging your strengths, you will begin to feel more power to be successful at motherhood, and at life.

Getting Started with StrengthsFinder(R)

The StrengthsFinder(R) Profile is an online interview which gives you instant results and feedback on your top five out of 34 possible "themes". You can only access the profile with a unique identification number gained from one of several Gallup books (see links at the top right of this page).

Once you complete the interview you will better understand how your themes manifest themselves in your daily actions and reactions. We invite you to share your stories about the frustrations and successes of motherhood in relation to each of your themes using the links on the right of this page.

You can learn the strategies that other Moms who share your themes use to capitalize on those themes. You'll be better equipped than ever before to make informed decisions about how you spend your days, and you'll gain more enjoyment and satisfaction from motherhood.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Discover Your Mom Strengths gaining momentum...

This just in...Discover Your Mom Strengths is being picked up by a Google search of "mom strengths". This blog is the 4th link on page 1!

Check out the latest content from Moms like you on the following theme pages: Achiever, Arranger, Activator, Analytical, Communication, Focus, Empathy, Input, Positivity, Relator, and Woo.

We'd love to hear your stories!